Effect of temperature and relative humidity on algae biofouling on different fired brick surfaces

February 2019 - Posted: 11/8/2019

Microalgae biofouling on different porous and rough fired brick surfaces was studied. Its growth under different values of relative humidity and temperature was tested. At relative humidity lower than 98% no growth was present. Temperature influenced algae growth rate and covered area as a function of time. Biofouling experimental results were modelled by a modified Avrami’s law.

Click www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950061818330034">here for full access to the publication.

By: Enrico Quagliarini, Andrea Gianangeli, Marco D'Orazio, Benedetta Gregorini, Andrea Osimani, Lucia Aquilanti, Francesca Clementi
Publisher: Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 199

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